Heads up! Time to Get Working on Your Elevator Certification Renewal
Your certificate expires on July 31.
Benjamin Franklin is credited for saying, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Unless you’re an elevator in Florida. Then there are two different certainties. An annual fee, and renewing your elevator certification. The latter requires a satisfactory inspection performed by a certified elevator inspector.
It’s coming up on that time of the year again. Your elevators must pass their annual safety inspections with enough time to correct any issues in order to receive a renewed certificate of operation. That expiration date is July 31.
Two considerations make it crucial that you start the process now. The most important is that any violations must be corrected within 90 days, and you need a clean report card to get your renewal. Just as important, though, is that this certification applies to all public elevators. The companies that inspect them are seeing their calendars filling up fast.
A quick recap of elevator certification
Florida’s elevator safety code is written such that all certificates expire on July 31. If your application and fees aren’t received or postmarked before that time, you’re deemed delinquent. That means more forms and delinquency fees starting at $50 per elevator.
You should receive your renewal notice in the mail. It’ll be sent to the address on record.
It’s your responsibility
According to the Florida Elevator Safety Act, you, as the owner or operator, are responsible for ensuring your elevators meet all safety requirements on an annual basis. Those safety inspections also are your responsibility.
The inspections must be carried out by a Florida-certified elevator inspector. You can contact us for assistance with that annual inspection.
The customer-centric option for elevator certification
As our customer, we’ll help remove some of the hassles of this yearly recertification process. It frees you to focus on the rest of the operational aspects of your building … and those two other certainties Benjamin Franklin reminded us about.
The people at Connections Elevator have over 65 years of combined elevator work experience. Our services rival those of big, international names. The big difference is that we’re locally owned, with deep roots in the community.
If you need elevator maintenance, repairs, or any other service, get in touch with us today.